I love the deadlift because it will hit your entire (well almost) body. While many strength coaches program in tons of bench presses and other upper body push exercises, there is nothing that will make you stronger than targeting the upper/lower pull.
In-season training to me is what sets apart the championship teams from everyone else. In-season training doesn’t have to be a stressor. It should be the opposite. An opportunity to take care of your body during the grueling season and to improve the strength, mobility and power that you developed in the long off-season workouts. Why spend all that time training in the off-season just to throw it away when the season starts.
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The importance of training during the sports season is vital for teams and athletes to continue to improve and finish the season stronger than they started it. In-season training also gives you the opportunity to learn new progressions and exercises that you may not have the chance to do during the off-season.
We have 3 main goals for in-season training:
Recover - from games/practices and be at your best come game time.
Improve- continue gaining strength/power and work on weak points.
Learn- new and more complex movements and exercises.