Covid-19: Women's Sports Performance Training Program


During this current time in our life, many coaches are struggling with their training programs and maintaining adequate spacing.  While some coaches -depending on your state and local regulations - are allowed back in the weight room others are not.  One of the most asked questions I get is “How do I train my athletes if I can’t use my weight room?”

This can be a tough task for many coaches.  While hauling your bars and plates outside on the field isn’t quite feasible, we can utilize other modalities such as medicine balls, bands, kettlebells and etc and still get a great workout.  

While I have spent the majority of my last 2o years indoors in the weight room training my athletes and clients, I have always loved the idea of getting an outdoor workout.  Of course we do warmups and circuits outdoors, but rarely (if ever) do we actually create an extended outdoor workout program.  

Equipment Needed:

Of course if you have a plethora of med balls, sand bags, sleds, bands or etc, then your options are going to be much greater than those that are limited.  No matter which way you lean, you can get a great workout.  Below are items that you can use.  If you have all of them, great, if not then just grab what you do have.  


Equipment List:  use whatever you have

  • Bodyweight (your athlete)

  • Bands 

  • Medicine Balls 

  • Dumbbells and/or Kettlebells

  • Towels

  • Sandbags

How many days per week?

This program was designed in an A Day/B Day format.  This allows you to either do 2 or 3 days per week, alternating between both days each workout. 


The beginning phase of the warm-up is optional.  This would all depend on if you had ample outdoor space, such as a football/soccer field, to complete and maintain the desired spacing.  The main portion of the  warm-up was created to be used in limited spaces.  This warm-up can be completed with the athlete in one place.  This is a great option if you need to maintain 6 feet or more of distance between your athletes.  

Field Movement:  Phase 1  (1 set) - OPTIONAL   Time: 3.5 min

  1. A-Skip x down/back

  2. High Knee w/ Walk x down/back

  3. Lateral Slides x down

  4.  Walking Lunges x back

  5. Lateral Slides x down

  6. Backward Scoop (2-step) x back 0r (Backward Scoop 1-step)

  7. High Knee Carioca x down/back

  8. Backpedal Jog (turn right) x down

  9. Backpedal Jog (turn left) x back

  10. Linear Sprint x down

  11. Linear Sprint x back

Limited Space: Phase 2 (1 set)  Time: 4.5 min

Check out the FULL video here

Circuit Work: Optional

(Options- Complete for 30-60 sec on & 30 sec off. Complete 1-5 sets)


Just like with our other programs, the post-workout cooldown is extremely important for reducing overall soreness, improving flexibility and mobility and allowing your athletes to slowly wind down after their workout.

Post-Workout Stretch: Phase 3 (1-2 set)  Time: 5 min

  1. Supine Shoulder Flexion x 10

  2. Bent Knee Sit w/ Rotation to Right x 5 exhales

  3. Bent Knee Sit w/ Rotation to Left x 5 exhales

  4. Lateral Sit Reverse x 5 @

  5. Pigeon Sit Hold x 10 sec @

  6. 1-Leg Calf Stretch x 15 sec @

  7. Pigeon Sit Hold x 10 sec @

  8. 1-Leg Calf Stretch x 15 sec @

  9. Foam Roll/LAX Ball - any issue areas you may have. 

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