In-Season Training Wins Championships!

In-Season Training Wins Championships!

In-season training to me is what sets apart the championship teams from everyone else. In-season training doesn’t have to be a stressor. It should be the opposite. An opportunity to take care of your body during the grueling season and to improve the strength, mobility and power that you developed in the long off-season workouts. Why spend all that time training in the off-season just to throw it away when the season starts.

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How Many Days Do We Need To Train Per Week To Be Successful?

How Many Days Do We Need To Train Per Week To Be Successful?

“How many days per week should we train our athletes?” This is by far one of the most asked questions that I have been asked from coaches. As much as I would love to give you an exact number, there really isn’t any magic number. If you find that your athletes all are year-round athletes, maybe utilizing a one-day program is just what they need to be successful. However, if your team is primarily single or even double sport athletes, then a more traditional approach could be beneficial as well. Always remember that quality is more important than quantity.

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