The Pitfalls of Coaching With Too Much Pride

The Pitfalls of Coaching With Too Much Pride

Help. That is something that is tough to swallow for many people, especially coaches. But at this point in my career I had to develop...humility. Something I have never really thought about in regards to my job and career. I didn't know it all and I needed help to get to the place I wanted to be as a coach. It is okay to say that you were wrong. I was wrong. I didn't do it deliberately. I didn't intend to have my athletes suffer from nagging injuries, but it happened. What I was doing in the weight room was wrong. This is something that many coaches experience. None of us, whether it is on the field, court or in the gym, set out to be wrong. We are doing the best we can with the knowledge we have.

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How Many Days Do We Need To Train Per Week To Be Successful?

How Many Days Do We Need To Train Per Week To Be Successful?

“How many days per week should we train our athletes?” This is by far one of the most asked questions that I have been asked from coaches. As much as I would love to give you an exact number, there really isn’t any magic number. If you find that your athletes all are year-round athletes, maybe utilizing a one-day program is just what they need to be successful. However, if your team is primarily single or even double sport athletes, then a more traditional approach could be beneficial as well. Always remember that quality is more important than quantity.

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The Most Important 10 Minutes For A Coach!

The Most Important 10 Minutes For A Coach!

The most important part of a training session (or practice) is the 5 minutes prior up to 5 minutes after the start. That 10-minute window is vital for coaches to adjust on the fly their intensity and overall plan for that day. No plan should be ever set in stone. The same goes for training (or practice) plans. It is important to remember that you are dealing with human beings. We are dealing with kids. During this 10 minute window, this is where you ask questions, observe your athletes and complete an overall review of your plan for that hour (or day.)

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